New mail planes allowed to fly to Kiev and Lviv.

The Ukrainian airline 'SUPERNOVA AIRLINES' has been granted permission for regular daily flights to Prague from Lviv and Kiev. According to the order of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine No. 789 of October 21, 2024, the company has been granted rights to operate air routes indefinitely on the Lviv - Prague and Kiev - Prague routes.
The aviation transport management must prepare all necessary documents and notify the company of the granting of rights to operate the routes. And also send corresponding information to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine for appointment formalities.
'SUPERNOVA AIRLINES' is a subsidiary of the NOVA group, created for the delivery of mail, e-commerce goods and cargo to and from Ukraine. The company has already received a Ukrainian operator's certificate on January 6, 2023, and its Boeing 737-800SF aircraft has already made its first flight under the Ukrainian flag.
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