October 31: What holiday is today, traditions and prohibitions.

Today, October 31, several holidays are celebrated. Halloween is a holiday with Celtic origins and is associated with the ancient Samhain festival. It is also Black Sea Day, which raises awareness about its protection, as well as World Savings Day and World Bridge Day. These holidays draw attention to economic development and the safety of working on bridges.
Halloween originates from the Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. The Celts believe that on this day the boundary between the world of the living and the dead becomes thinner, so spirits can return to the earth. Modern Halloween is known for its traditions of decorating homes, participating in costumes, carving pumpkins, and collecting candy from door to door.
International Black Sea Day is dedicated to the conservation and protection of this large inland water basin. The Black Sea holds significant ecological and economic importance for the countries surrounding it, and this day aims to support cooperation to preserve its environment.
World Savings Day emphasizes the importance of economic education and economic planning for societal development. This day promotes awareness of economic issues and supports economic development.
World Bridge Day commemorates those who have died during the preparation, construction, and operation of bridges. On this day, attention is focused on the importance of safe work on bridges and ensuring their reliability.
In the church calendar, today is the commemoration day of Saints Apostles Stachys, Amplius, and others. Saint Apostle Stachys was sent by Jesus Christ and founded a church in Pergamum. Saint Apostle Amplius was also sent by Jesus Christ and founded a church in Antioch.
There are also certain signs and traditions for October 31. For example, if the sunset occurs in clouds, rain can be expected. Weather can also be predicted by observing birds. For example, if sparrows chirp loudly, it means warm weather.
Several memorable dates also fall on this day, including the publication of Martin Luther's 95 theses against indulgences, the storming of the Kurukiv Cossack camp, and the obtaining of a patent for a miner's lamp by Briton Humphry Davy.
Finally, people with the names Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Artem, Vasily, Ivan, Leonid, Nikolay, Peter, Roman, Sergey, Stepan, Fyodor, and Yakov celebrate their name day today.
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