40 thousand hryvnias per month and over a year on sick leave: key changes in social insurance named.

The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine is preparing a draft law for a second reading aimed at reforming social insurance in the country. This document provides for the expansion of social guarantees for citizens and military personnel.
According to the Ministry of Social Policy, the reform preserves all existing social guarantees, including disability status. The draft law ensures the preservation of all payments for persons with disabilities and those injured in accidents for the entire period of disability, and for persons with a permanent status - for life, without reassessment.
The main innovations of the draft law include increasing the maximum monthly insurance payment to 40 thousand hryvnias in case of work-related injury, which is 8 thousand hryvnias more than the current maximum. It is also planned to extend the duration of sick leave payments to 14 months to accommodate the needs of patients with severe injuries and diseases.
Special attention in the draft law is paid to supporting veterans. The new edition provides for a 100% payment of monetary support to veterans throughout the entire treatment period, even in the case of dismissal during treatment.
Upon completion of treatment, veterans will receive full monetary support in case of total loss of working capacity or compensation for the difference between previous and current income in case of partial working capacity.
The draft law also establishes a minimum payment of 50% of monetary support for veterans looking for work through the Employment Service. For civilians with partial working capacity, restrictions on the three-month term for unemployment benefits are lifted.
Currently, the Ministry of Social Policy is collaborating with experts, the public, and members of parliament to finalize the draft law before the second reading to ensure the most effective implementation of the reform.
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