How to Get an Attractive Smile: 5 Ways to Moisturize Chapped Lips.

5 ways to moisturize cracked lips
5 ways to moisturize cracked lips

How to Treat Chapped Lips with Simple Remedies

Chapped lips are mostly associated with winter and low temperatures. But they can also appear in summer. Very dry weather can negatively affect your lips. And while prevention is always the best tactic, sometimes the problem appears, and we have no choice but to try to solve it. Here is a list of simple things you can do at home to treat annoying chapped lips, writes brightside.

1. Use aloe vera and honey.

Aloe vera gel is often used to treat burns, but it can also work wonders on chapped and dry lips. You can easily buy the gel at a store or use the gel directly from the plant if you have it at home. You just need to take off one leaf, cut it, and remove the gel from it.

As for honey, there are many studies proving how great it is for healing wounds. It can also help moisturize your dry lips and slightly exfoliate dead skin. Organic honey is best suited for this, so try to stay away from store-bought forms of honey filled with sugar.

2. Use lip balms with SPF protection.

Whether it's summer or winter, it's very important to apply a lip balm with SPF 30 or higher to protect your lips. Try to find a product that contains titanium oxide or zinc oxide, and apply the balm every 2 hours if you are outside for too long. Remember that the sun can damage your skin and lips even at very low temperatures.

3. Use avocado oil.

Although many people use avocado oil for cooking, it also works great as a lip moisturizer. It is not a major allergen, so it is ideal for those with sensitive skin whose lips crack most of the year. The sterolin contained in this oil protects skin cell structure and reduces inflammation. After the restorative work is completed, your lips become soft and extremely moisturized.

4. Use petroleum jelly during the day.

Petroleum jelly is very easy to find and is quite inexpensive. Scientists have approved its daily use for chapped lips. It retains moisture longer than oils and waxes, and can be applied to the lips during the day and at night before bed. This way, it will have enough Time to do its job and return shine to your dry, dull lips.

5. Use cucumber slices.

You've probably seen many women in movies placing cucumber slices on their eyes, and it turns out you can do the same with your lips. Just take a couple of slices and gently rub them on your lips, leave the cucumber juice on them for about 10 minutes before rinsing. You can also mash the pieces, turn them into a paste and apply to your lips as a mask.

Men can lose any interest in a woman if her act causes disgust. Then it will not be so easy to restore the relationship.

They pay attention to all sorts of little things. If they don't like something, they no longer think about future relationships.

A mustache over the upper lip can repulse a man, as well as untidy nails or unwashed hair. They always pay attention to such little things.

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