How to Properly Care for Houseplants in Winter – Useful Tips.

Caring for house plants in winter
Caring for house plants in winter

Houseplants have special needs in winter, despite growing indoors. With the onset of the cold season, they enter a period of dormancy. To help houseplants overwinter well, they need to be properly cared for.

During the winter period, there is less sunlight, and the days become shorter. The lack of sunlight can negatively affect the plants, making their stems weak and causing leaf drop. There is even a risk of some plants dying. Therefore, it is important to place houseplants as close to the window as possible. The best place for them is a windowsill on the eastern or southern side, where the light is available for the longest Time even on cloudy days. Additionally, it is important to periodically rotate the pots 180 degrees for even lighting of the plants.

Even in a very sunny spot, plants will not receive sufficient light if their leaves are covered with a layer of dust. Therefore, in winter, it is necessary to frequently wipe the leaves of houseplants to ensure proper lighting.

In winter, plants require less watering because they are in a state of dormancy and use less water and nutrients. Water the plants only when the soil in the pot has already dried out.

Temperature also affects the growth and health of houseplants. The less light available to the plants, the lower the temperature should be. Therefore, for most houseplants, the optimal temperature in winter is 16-18 degrees Celsius. It is also important to avoid drafts, as plants do not tolerate them.

Chrysanthemums can survive the winter in the garden and bloom every fall if they are properly planted. It is important to choose well-drained soil because freezing soil around the roots can negatively affect the plants. Ice that forms around the roots is the primary threat to chrysanthemums in winter.

Cleaning around the house is an important procedure, especially in the fall. These tasks need to be carried out promptly to be completed before the onset of frost and snow. They should also consider the rainy weather, which is often observed at this time of year.

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