How Ukraine Improves Bombs Used Against Russia: Data from Defense Express.

Upgraded bombs for Ukraine's defense
Як Україна вдосконалює боєприпаси для ефективної боротьби з агресором: аналітика від Defense Express

Ukraine is developing its technological base for attacks on Russian territory and improving the tactics for their use. This was reported by Valeriy Ryabyh, a military expert and director of the information and consulting company Defense Express, on the program 'Espresso'.

According to him, Ukrainian industry is currently producing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) of various types, including adapted civilian aircraft. Previously, such aircraft were used with 100-kilogram fragmentary-explosive bombs for strikes at distances of up to 2000 km. Now they can lift weights of up to 250 kg and use more powerful bombs, as well as return after the strike thanks to modern control systems.

The effectiveness of such bombs is evident when attacking objects with no significant protection. Although they do not destroy heavily protected objects, they can impact most defense targets.

These aircraft can be used alongside other unmanned aerial vehicles as part of an air assault to break through the enemy's air defense nodes.

It was previously reported that the F-16 fighters supplied to Ukraine would be able to use precision-guided aviation bombs AASM Hammer with a range of approximately 70 km.

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