What awards does the state buy during the war? A list worth millions of hryvnias.

State awards worth millions of hryvnias
State awards worth millions of hryvnias

The State Administration of Affairs has concluded two contracts with the National Bank's Banknote and Coin Production Plant for the production of 69,120 orders, medals, awards, and badges. The total cost of the contracts is UAH 152.7 million, reports 'Glavkom' referring to the ProZorro system.

The most awards planned for production are the president's 'For the Defense of Ukraine' awards (military) - 46,000 pieces, the 'For Courage' Order of III degree - 15,000 pieces, the badge for the honorary title 'Mother Heroine' - 2,000 pieces, the 'For Merits' Order of I, II, III degrees - 1,200 pieces, and the 'For Saved Life' Medal - 500 pieces.

The most expensive award to manufacture is the 'Golden Star' order set, awarded with the title of Hero of Ukraine - UAH 252,800. Of these, the price of the order sign is UAH 167,900, and the miniatures of the order are UAH 84,900.

The state awards will be manufactured from gold and silver alloys. The deadline for their delivery is December 25.

It should be noted: the customer chose the winner without conducting a tender, referring to the law on state awards, which stipulates that the production of state awards and presidential tokens is carried out exclusively by the National Bank's Banknote and Coin Production Plant. The enterprise has been operating in the market since 1998; it is equipped with high-tech equipment from world-renowned firms such as 'Grebeiner', 'Schuler', 'Güdel', 'Tronrud', and others.

As reported by 'Glavkom', in 2023, the State Administration of Affairs ordered 84,500 state awards from the National Bank's Banknote and Coin Production Plant. The total cost of the order was UAH 160.8 million. In 2022, the customer spent UAH 160.7 million on state awards, and in 2021 - just over UAH 23 million.

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