Active participant of the Revolution of Dignity and grandson of political prisoners. Let us remember Levko Kmit..

Maidan activist and grandson of political prisoners
Активний учасник Революції Гідності та онук політичних в'язнів. Вшануємо пам'ять Левка Кміта.

Every day at 9 a.m., Ukrainians honor the memory of all those who lost their lives in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Today we remember Levko Kmit, call sign Elf.

Life of the Ukrainian defender Levko Kmit was cut short on February 27, 2024. This information was reported by the Lviv City Council.  

Levko Kmit was born on February 18, 1990, in Lviv in a patriotic family. From a young age, his parents and grandparents, who were former political prisoners, instilled in him a love for Ukraine.

He studied at the Markiyan Shashkevych Secondary School No. 34 and was an active participant in the National Scout Organization of Ukraine 'Rudno Plast Station'. He then received vocational education at the Lviv College of Food Technologies and Business of the National University of Food Technologies.

After finishing his studies, Levko worked in various fields and in recent years was a machine embroidery operator at a private company. According to his family, he was just, loved the truth, and could not tolerate lies. He was gentle and kind, easily ignited by injustice. He also loved to sing and was passionate about theater, literature, history, and the philosophy of Hryhorii Skovoroda. He devoted his free Time to his family.

Levko was an active participant in the Revolution of Dignity. After the start of the Russian aggression, without hesitation, he joined the 61st Separate Mechanized Steppes Brigade of the 11th Army Corps of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He received the rank of 'Junior Sergeant' during his military service.

The burial of the soldier took place at the Garrison Church of the Saints Apostles Peter and Paul. After the citywide farewell ceremony at Rynok Square, Levko was buried at the Lychakiv Cemetery in Lviv.  

His parents, brother, and sister were left without Levko Kmit.  

The head of the Armed Forces joins the minute of silence. We honor the memory of all Ukrainians who died in the struggle for our homeland. We remember those who fell by the hands of Russian invaders and light candles of remembrance, bowing our heads in sorrow during the nationwide minute of silence to honor the bright memory of citizens of Ukraine who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our state: all military personnel, civilians, and children, all who died in the fight against Russian occupiers and as a result of the attack by enemy troops on Ukrainian cities and villages.

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