Anticyclone Beate will bring frost and ice: forecaster urged Ukrainians to be careful.

Column of clouds and severe frost
Антициклон Беате принесе холодні температури та ожеледицю: синоптики закликали українців бути обережними.

On Monday, Ukraine will experience cool and mostly dry weather. According to the forecast by meteorologist Natalia Didenko, slight frost will help dry the surface but will create dangerous conditions on the roads due to ice.

"We have somewhat forgotten about slippery roads and sidewalks, be careful!" - warns the forecaster.

In the morning and at night, light snow is expected in the western and eastern parts of Ukraine. However, during the day, the anticyclone Beate will push the precipitation out of the country and dry the surface and air.

Cloudless weather without precipitation is expected in Kyiv, but drivers and pedestrians should be cautious due to ice. The air temperature at night in Kyiv will range from -2 to -4 degrees, and during the day, it will be around zero.

The forecaster also noted that there will be no significant changes in the weather in the coming days. From January 16, a slight increase in air temperature is expected.

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