Asteroid exploded in the sky above the Philippines (video).

Asteroid explosion in the sky over the Philippines (video)
Asteroid explosion in the sky over the Philippines (video)

Asteroid hit the atmosphere of the Philippines and burned up in the sky

Today, September 4, residents of the Philippines witnessed a rare and thrilling spectacle - the bright flash of asteroid 2024 RW1, which entered Earth's atmosphere and burned up in the sky. This celestial body was detected just a few hours ago using the Catalina Sky Survey, making it the ninth asteroid in human history to be noticed before colliding with our planet. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

The detection of asteroid 2024 RW1 before its entry into the atmosphere is a significant achievement for astronomers and scientists studying near-Earth objects. It provides an opportunity to better understand the trajectories and composition of such asteroids, as well as to develop more effective methods for their detection and tracking.

Asteroid 2024 RW1, according to preliminary estimates, had a size between 0.8 and 2.1 meters. It entered Earth's atmosphere above the Philippines at 17:08 UTC, creating a bright flash that was visible even during the daytime. According to eyewitnesses, the bolide left a long trail behind it, which gradually dissipated in the sky.

Despite the spectacular nature of the event, asteroid 2024 RW1 did not pose a threat to Earth. Its small size ensured that it would completely burn up in the atmosphere, not reaching the planet's surface.

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