No Precipitation, Icy Conditions on Roads: Weather Forecast for January 15.

Weather Forecast in Ukraine for January 15
On Wednesday, January 15, cloudy weather with clearings is expected in Ukraine. No significant precipitation, only at night in the western and northern regions of the country light snow. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.
In the west and north of the country today it will be cloudy. In the western and parts of the northern regions, there will be light snow, with occasional rain during the day. No precipitation is expected in the rest of the territory.
On the roads of the western, northern, and Vinnytsia regions, there will be icy conditions in some places. The wind will be south-western, 5-10 m/s. At night, temperatures will range from -1 to -6 degrees, during the day it will be from -2 degrees to +3 degrees, and in Odesa and Crimea, up to +5 degrees; in the Carpathians at night from -9 to -14 degrees, during the day it will be from -1 to -6 degrees.
In Kyiv region, there will be light snow with rain in some areas. Icy conditions on the roads in some places.