Bill Gates named the mistake he regrets the most in his life.

Bill Gates bends his fingers
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Bill Gates regrets his divorce from Melinda after 27 years of marriage

American businessman Bill Gates expressed regret over his divorce from Melinda Gates after 27 years of marriage. According to him, it was a big mistake that he regrets the most. Gates tried to follow the example of his parents' long marriage, but the characters of the former spouses were too fiery.

He acknowledged that for the first few years after the divorce, he felt very strong depression due to the loss of shared memories and achievements. Gates noted that spending an entire adult life with one person is unusual, and shared memories and achievements make it special. It was very hard for him to divorce Melinda.

In May 2021, Bill Gates announced his divorce from Melinda after 27 years of marriage. They raised three children together. After the divorce, Gates was noted to have started dating Paula Hurd, but they did not publicly comment on their relationship.

In another context, Bill Gates talked about his mistake as the head of Microsoft. He believes that their brand should have created an alternative to Android for mobile devices, rather than Google. He thinks that their company missed this opportunity.

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