Business concerned about possible expansion of border guards' powers.

Business concerned about expansion of border guards
Business concerned about expansion of border guards

Lawmakers propose new amendments to border legislation

Experts of the European Business Association (EBA) have learned that members of parliament have developed a draft law that proposes amendments to the legislation on the state border. However, this draft law is causing concern among the business community.

The draft law No. 10128 proposes to expand the competence of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. In particular, border guards will have the ability to independently inspect vehicles and goods at the border and beyond, in conjunction with the National Police of Ukraine.

According to the current legislation, border guards have the right to conduct such inspections only in conjunction with customs officials, since customs inspections fall under the competence of customs authorities. The European Business Association expresses its concern over the possible interference of the State Border Guard Service in customs clearance.

'The business community does not support draft law No. 10128 and other initiatives that propose similar changes. We are concerned that granting border guards excessive powers may lead to unjustified inspections of businesses and an increase in corruption risks. European countries have proven that a clear delineation of the functions of border and customs control reduces pressure on businesses, increases the effectiveness of control, and lowers corruption risks. Member companies of our association consider this experience important, especially considering Ukraine's Euro-integration,' the EBA statement reads.

Impact on business and foreign economic activity

Experts believe that the proposed approach could negatively affect foreign economic activity, decrease the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods in the global market, and lead to a reduction in foreign trade.

Instead, businesses believe that it is better to improve existing procedures and use resources to enhance the efficiency of customs inspections and optimize customs operations, they noted in the EBA.

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