There is a shortage of 100 billion dollars: Popenko explains why the EU cannot replace US aid to Ukraine.

Popenko's visit to the EU
Брак у фінансуванні в 100 мільярдів доларів: Попенко роз'яснює, чому ЄС не в змозі компенсувати американську допомогу Україні.

The EU cannot replace US aid - head of the Utility Consumers Union

Oleg Popenko, head of the Utility Consumers Union, claims that the European Union's aid cannot replace the assistance provided by the United States. In an interview with Den.LIVE, he stated that $100 billion is needed for the Energy Efficiency Fund, but European donors have allocated only $200 million. He also noted that $50 billion is needed for major repairs and thermal modernization of Ukraine's housing stock at the first stage, for which the Energy Efficiency Fund was created. However, the European Investment Bank allocated 300 million euros for the energy sector of the housing economy, but these funds have not been used by utilities. Thus, Popenko claims that Ukraine will be financed by European grants, but will receive only minimal assistance or nothing at all.

It should be noted that Popenko previously uncovered another scheme of budgetary fraud.

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