The diplomat named the large country where Russian spies have taken refuge after being expelled from Europe.

Monument to Russian spies in Europe
Посол зазначив, що російські шпигуни знайшли прихисток у великій країні після вигнання з Європи.

Mexico - a shelter for Russian agents, says Ukraine's ambassador

Ukraine's ambassador to Mexico, Oksana Dramaretska, reported that many Russian agents are accredited in the Russian Federation's embassy in Mexico. According to her, the Russian embassy is one of the largest in the world, so the large number of Russian 'tourists' is not a coincidence. The diplomat also notes that Russian propaganda dominates the media space in Mexico, including through the channel Russia Today. The Mexican government does not see this as a problem and refuses to limit the activities of this channel, as it would restrict freedom of speech. The ambassador also emphasizes that Mexican media objectively covers the situation in Ukraine and does not use Russian narratives. However, Russian propaganda in Mexico and Latin America as a whole is a serious issue.

According to official information from the U.S. and experts, the Russian presence in the embassy in Mexico is increasing, causing concern in Washington and signaling an increase in Kremlin intelligence operations against the U.S. and its propaganda efforts.

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