Up to 111,000 kilometers: when does a hybrid car really start to save?.

Hybrid car savings up to 111,000 km
Гібридний автомобіль: за яких умов його експлуатація стає економічно вигідною?

Hybrid cars are becoming increasingly popular in Ukraine, but their economic benefits start later than one might think. Automotive expert Yevhen Yermolov discussed this in his interview with Yurii Romanenko.

Price Difference and Real Savings

The expert recommends careful calculations before purchasing a hybrid car: 'Recently, we compared the new Lexus RX in hybrid and conventional versions. The price difference was $12,000, but real savings will only appear after 111,000 kilometers of driving,' Yermolov noted.

Savings in City Cycle

Hybrid cars are most effective during city trips: 'If you drive non-aggressively and don’t constantly press the gas, you can save 4-5 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers,' the expert emphasized.

Features on the Highway

However, on the highway, hybrids appear less advantageous: 'At the same speed, the diesel version of the car will use 3-4 liters less fuel per 100 kilometers. The difference in consumption can be 3-5 liters per 100 kilometers between hybrid and diesel,’ Yermolov explained.

Types of Hybrid Systems

The expert also noted that there are different types of hybrid systems on the market: 'There are series and parallel hybrids. Some cars can travel 30 to 50 kilometers on electric power. If your work is within that distance, you can drive on electricity and switch to gasoline at any moment,' he said.

Recommendations for Choosing a Hybrid

Before buying a hybrid car, Yermolov recommends:

  • Compare the cost of the hybrid and conventional versions;
  • Calculate the annual mileage;
  • Assess the percentage of city trips;
  • Consider the possibility of home charging for plug-in hybrids;
  • Calculate the ownership period of the car.


Yermolov urged consideration of the cost and real savings before purchasing a hybrid. 'If the price difference between a hybrid and a conventional car in the secondary market is $5,000, you should calculate after how many kilometers of driving the real savings will begin,' the expert emphasized.

According to him, some buyers make the same mistake as with gas: 'Many people install gas without knowing that savings start only after 40,000 kilometers. Some sell the car sooner, saving nothing.'

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