Kanye West's entourage showcased an invisible dress on the red carpet of the 'Grammy' Awards.

Kanye West's entourage's invisible dress at the Grammys
Команда Каньє Уеста вразила всіх незвичайним вбранням на червоному килимі 'Греммі'.

During the Grammy Awards ceremony, an unpleasant incident occurred. Rapper Kanye West and his wife Bianca were kicked out of the event. According to Notícias ao Minuto, the couple appeared on the red carpet in their usual outfits. But at one point, Bianca started to undress in front of the cameras, taking off her down coat and remaining in a transparent mini-dress.

Regarding this moment, Portuguese blogger, journalist, and writer Ana Garcia Martins shared her impressions on her Instagram page.

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