EC: the cessation of Russian gas transit did not affect Europe's energy security.

Industrial enterprises in Europe continue to operate without disruptions
Відмова від російського газу не завдала шкоди енергетичній стабільності Європи.

The European Commission claims that the cessation of Russian gas transit through Ukraine's gas transportation system has no negative impact on energy security and gas prices in the European Union.

Consumers in the EU have no reason for concern following Ukraine's decision to cease gas transit starting in 2024.

European Commission representative Anna-Kaisa Itkonen stated this at a briefing in Brussels. She reported that the Commission is already coordinating with member states to avoid supply and pricing issues.

Itkonen also confirmed the stability of the fundamental indicators of the gas market in Europe, including gas consumption and storage volumes. She noted that the development of renewable energy in the EU is an important factor in maintaining stability.

However, the European Commission will closely monitor gas prices in member states as the cold season begins.

Itkonen did not confirm a meeting with the Prime Minister of Slovakia, stating that the Commission maintains constant contact with all member states.

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