Electronic Housing Subsidy: PFU Introduced a New Service for Internally Displaced Persons.

Ukraine has launched an experimental project to support internally displaced persons (IDPs) through the subsidization of housing rentals. According to a decision by the Cabinet of Ministers dated October 25, 2024, the project started on January 29, 2025.
The main feature of the initiative is that the state not only provides subsidies for housing payments but also compensates the relevant taxes to landlords. This allows displaced persons to access affordable housing.
The innovation lies in the digital format of interaction. Participants in the project, whether tenants or landlords, can conclude contracts and submit subsidy applications online, without the need to appear in person. A qualified electronic signature is used.
The process of joining the project is simple and convenient. Tenants fill out an electronic form through their personal account in the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Applications contain personal data, information about the place of residence, documents confirming IDP status, and payment details.
An important stage is the confirmation of conditions by the landlord and tenant. The landlord must confirm that the housing meets the conditions for living and complies with sanitary standards.
After filling out the form and signing the documents via the system, the subsidy is granted, and it can be checked in the personal account.
Previously, the Pension Fund of Ukraine explained what benefits are provided to large families for paying utility bills.
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