Fruit trees for firewood: is it allowed to cut without permission in 2025.

Fruit trees for firewood
Дерев'яні насадження для пального: нові правила вирубки у 2025 році

Private landowners can remove fruit trees without permission

According to the latest provisions of the Land Code of Ukraine, private landowners have the right to remove fruit trees without obtaining special permits. This possibility applies to gardens and household plots where the trees have become unfruitful or have died from age or disease.

The Forest Code of Ukraine distinguishes two types of forest resource use - general and special. 'General use allows citizens to collect wild plants for personal needs, but does not extend to wood harvesting,' the document states.

There are restrictions on tree felling in areas with special status. On lands of the natural reserve fund, trees cannot be removed without special permission due to their ecological value.

Particular attention is paid to rare tree species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Legislation provides for strict penal sanctions for unauthorized felling of such trees, even if they grow on private property.

In cultural heritage sites and green areas for general public use, such as boulevards and public gardens, tree felling is only possible with the appropriate permits.

Thus, Ukrainian legislation provides private plot owners with sufficient freedom regarding the removal of fruit trees while ensuring protection of natural and cultural values through a system of restrictions and permits.

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