Gas Networks Warn: Ukrainians Are Massively Receiving Fake Letters from Gas Workers.

Fake Letters from Gas Workers Fraud
В Україні з'явилась хвиля підроблених повідомлень від газових компаній, застерігаючи споживачів.

Fraudsters Try to Steal Personal Data through Fake Letters

The 'Gas Distribution Networks of Ukraine' warns residents of the country about fraudsters who will attempt to obtain personal data. This was reported by the company's press service.

Fraudsters send fake letters posing as the 'GASMEREZI' company. They demand that recipients follow a link to sign documents, pay bills for natural gas distribution, and sign completed work acts.

Citizens are alerted that such messages are fake and contain phishing links that should not be clicked, as they pose a threat to the security of personal data. If you receive a similar letter, pay attention to the email name. The valid email for 'GASMEREZI' is [email protected] and other addresses with the domain

'All other variations are counterfeit. Trust only verified sources. If you have questions, contact us,' the 'GASMEREZI' emphasized.

Recall that an expert revealed 3 new schemes regarding pensions.

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