OSCE Chair: Adherence to Helsinki Principles Means Unconditional Support for Ukraine.

OSCE Chair: Adherence to Helsinki Principles
Голова ОБСЄ: Дотримання принципів Хельсінкі є запорукою непохитної підтримки України

Finland guarantees reliable support for Ukraine in the OSCE. This was stated by the OSCE Chairperson, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Elina Valtonen. She noted that the Helsinki Final Act, which is the cornerstone of OSCE's work, remains relevant even after fifty years. This Act supports Ukraine and condemns Russian aggression.

Finland, which holds the presidency of the OSCE, upholds the principles of the Helsinki Act and engages with the Russian opposition. According to Valtonen, Russia violates the principles it itself supported. Finland aims to work for peace in Ukraine.

The OSCE Chairperson also noted that the organization has limited options to exclude Russia, but it has never been an organization for like-minded people. She emphasized that many participating states support Ukraine despite Russian propaganda. The contribution of Ukrainians to awareness and the ability to distinguish the truth is a crucial factor.

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