Cold and Wet: Weather Forecast for January 24.

Bitingly cold weather on January 24
Льодові дощі та похолодання: Прогноз на 24 січня

Weather Forecast in Ukraine for January 24

Today, January 24, most regions of Ukraine are expecting overcast weather. During the day, light wet snow and rain can be expected. In the southern, most central regions, and in the Prykarpattia area, fog is expected in places at night and in the morning. The wind will blow from the south, later changing to the west in western regions, with wind speeds of 3-8 meters per second. At night, temperatures will range from 3 degrees Celsius above zero to 2 degrees below zero, while in Crimea temperatures will be between 1-6 degrees above zero; during the day, the thermometer will show 0-5 degrees above zero, and in the south of the country, temperatures will rise to 6-11 degrees.

Weather Forecast for Kyiv Region

In the Kyiv region, overcast weather is also expected. No precipitation is forecasted at night, but during the day, light wet snow and rain may occur. The wind direction will be southeast at a speed of 3-8 meters per second. Night temperatures will be around 0 degrees, while during the day, temperatures will reach 2-4 degrees above zero.

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