April 21 - May 21

Taurus – forecast for today

12 March

Hidden opportunities surround you if you dare to open your eyes wider. Friends and loved ones will serve as excellent guides to the new and unexpected, for it is Taurus who can turn unexpected twists of fate into exciting adventures.


Taurus is about to make an important relationship decision that can change the dynamics of interaction with a partner. Perhaps it's time to consider a joint adventure that will strengthen your bond.


Work tasks open new horizons, encouraging Taurus to use an unexpected approach. Don't be afraid of experiments — they may become your main advantage.


As a Taurus, you often tend to neglect your body until it starts knocking insistently on the doors of your attention. Pay attention to the signals your body sends and don't ignore even the slightest discomfort. It might be time to transform your habits to harmonize your inner world with the physical shell.
