The Cabinet allowed additional categories of men to travel abroad.

Men Abroad
Men Abroad

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has changed the rules for leaving the country during martial law for men.

According to MP Oleksiy Honcharenko, the government has adopted the relevant resolution.

Now men who have received a deferral from military service, as well as those whose relatives were killed or went missing during the anti-terrorist operation or measures to ensure national security and defense against Russian aggression, are allowed to leave.

Such opportunities are available to men who have received a deferral from military service.
This also applies to men whose relatives were killed or went missing during the anti-terrorist operation or measures to ensure national security and defense against Russian aggression.

According to the resolution, men who are family members of individuals awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine for heroism, patriotism, and selfless service to the Ukrainian people, as well as during the Revolution of Dignity, are allowed to travel abroad.

It has previously been determined who among men cannot leave the country in March.

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