A whale diving into the heavenly waves. Polar researchers captured an unusual cloud over Antarctica.

A whale diving into the heavenly waves
Кит погружається у божествени хвилі. Полярні науковці зафіксували дивовижну хмарність над Антарктидою.

On the Antarctic icebreaker 'Noosphere', polar researchers captured a photograph of a cloud shaped like a whale. This was reported by the National Antarctic Scientific Center.

The extraordinary phenomenon was recorded near King George Island.

'In the background of the photo, you can see oval lenticular clouds and their fragments, indicating a stable atmosphere. Below, several gray cumulus clouds are visible, which indicate an unstable layer of atmosphere below,' explained Denys Pishnyak, head of the Department of Atmospheric Physics and Geocosmos at the National Antarctic Scientific Center.

According to him, warm and moist air rose from the ocean surface, forming low clouds that entered the stable layer of the atmosphere.

'During this collision, such an unusual wavy cloud likely arose,' added Denys Pishnyak.

Earlier, polar researchers demonstrated unusual 'heavenly combs' - wavy clouds in Antarctica. They also showcased a rare natural phenomenon for this region - a clear night sky that allowed a great view of the full Moon.

Scientists warn that the area of sea ice in Antarctica is rapidly decreasing, causing global changes in weather and climate.

Previously, Ukrainian polar researchers recorded a record wind speed near the 'Academician Vernadsky' station.

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