Utility bills can ruin you: what owners of boilers need to know.

Technical review of boilers and their equipment
Витрати на комунальні послуги можуть суттєво вплинути на ваш бюджет: важливі аспекти для власників котлів.

The 'Oblenergo' company explained to Ukrainians on Facebook how to properly use utility services to avoid overpayment. In particular, it is important to submit meter readings every month, even if you did not use hot water or the readings did not change. This rule applies to everyone, including those who have a boiler or do not use a centralized system. If the readings are not submitted on Time, the bills may be higher. The goal of timely submission of readings is accurate payment calculation.

Note that even if you did not use hot water or the meter readings did not change, they still need to be submitted. If this is not done, the service provider will automatically calculate your consumption based on previous months, which could lead to overpayment.

Thus, regular submission of readings ensures that you will only pay for the water you actually used. Additionally, it is important to remember that in 2025 some people may lose their utility service benefits.

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