Summer Tires in Winter: Drivers Informed About Penalties Facing Motorists.

Summer Tires in Winter: Penalties for Non-compliance
Summer Tires in Winter: Penalties for Non-compliance

Ukraine is approaching the implementation of new rules regarding the use of winter tires

A draft law registered in parliament proposes introducing fines for using summer tires in winter. The fines will amount to 340 hryvnias for passenger cars and 8500 hryvnias for trucks and buses.

Winter tires have completely different characteristics compared to summer ones. They are made of a softer material, feature a special tread for better grip on the road surface, and maintain elasticity at low temperatures. Conditions with ice cause the summer tires to lose their operational properties, making winter tires a necessity rather than a recommendation.

The First Deputy Head of the Patrol Police Department, Oleksiy Biloshytskyi, notes that the chances of passing the law this winter are quite low.

Ukraine currently has no defined legislative dates for switching to winter tires. It is recommended to change the tire when the average daily temperature consistently drops to 0 degrees Celsius, with the best Time for this being late October or early November.

For using inappropriate tires, a fine of between 340 and 680 hryvnias may be imposed. A repeat violation may lead to a suspension of driving rights for six months or an administrative arrest for up to ten days.

We remind that drivers of category 'B' are allowed to drive trucks, but there is a certain nuance.

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