The Ministry of Defense explained why some Ukrainians cannot obtain a QR code in "Reserve+".

Ministry of Defense explains why some Ukrainians cannot get QR code in 'Reserve+'
Ministry of Defense explains why some Ukrainians cannot get QR code in 'Reserve+'

All users of the mobile application "Reserve+" will soon be able to use a QR code that replaces the military ID. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Defense for Digital Development Ekaterina Chernogorenko. According to her, more than 62 thousand users have already successfully downloaded the electronic military registration document. Now users from 176 countries will also have access to the application. "Reserve+" has already received legalization from the Cabinet of Ministers, which will technically allow all users to be provided with access to it," Chernogorenko said. She also debunked five myths about the "Reserve+" application on her Facebook page.

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