Frost and Ice: The Hydrometeorological Center Reported on the Weather in the Kyiv Region.

Weather forecast for the Kyiv region on February 5
The Ukrhydrometcenter forecasts the weather in the Kyiv region for Wednesday, February 5. February is known for its unpredictability, as nature changes according to its mood, shifting from cold frosts to slightly clear skies.
On February 5, residents of the Kyiv region and the capital can expect typical winter weather. The sky will be overcast. Precipitation will be minimal - forecasters predict almost dry weather.
The temperature will be cool. At night it will drop from -1 to -6 degrees, while during the day it will range from -2 to +3 degrees. In Kyiv, it will be even colder - at night from -3 to -5 degrees, and during the day from 0 to -2 degrees.
Drivers and pedestrians should pay special attention: ice patches are expected in places, so caution is necessary on the road. The wind will be moderate, at a speed of 5-10 meters per second, which will make the weather feel even cooler.
It was previously reported that Ukraine is expecting atmospheric fronts with snow, wind, and ice.
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