Subsidy Calculation: The PFU Explained Whether Cashback and 'eSupport' are Included in Incomes.

Definition of Subsidies: The PFU Explained the Calculation of Cashback and 'eSupport'
Обрахунок субсидій: Роз'яснення від ПФУ щодо включення кешбеку та 'еПідтримки' до доходів.

The Main Department of the PFU in Donetsk Region has reported on the answers to questions regarding the consideration of income from the programs 'National Cashback' and 'Winter Support' for obtaining subsidies.

Changes in the social support system have made it necessary to address the consideration of various types of income when assigning housing subsidies. Many Ukrainian families involved in the 'National Cashback' and 'Winter Support' programs are interested in how the payments from these programs affect their right to receive subsidies.

Receiving money from these programs does not affect the calculation of the subsidy. These payments are not included in the total family income for the purpose of housing subsidy assignment. This applies to both the one-Time aid under the 'Winter Support' program and the return of part of the funds during the purchase of Ukrainian goods through the 'National Cashback' program on the 'Made in Ukraine' platform. This decision is enshrined in the official amendments to Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 632 dated July 22, 2020, which describes the procedure for calculating family income for social assistance.

It is important to note that some Ukrainians may lose utility benefits in 2025.

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