People's artist Bohdanovych revealed how his wife encourages him to rejuvenate.

People's artist Bohdanovych and his wife
People's artist Bohdanovych and his wife

61-year-old actor Oleksii Bohdanovych shared that his wife advises him to undergo rejuvenation procedures. He mentioned that he feels like an average person of 40 years old and perceives his aging without panic. However, the actor is afraid to undergo surgery to correct age-related changes, as he believes he might lose his individuality. He also noted that in his youth he reacted to criticism regarding the age of actors in the roles of young characters, but over Time he learned to ignore it. The actor also shared his experiences during the performance of 'The Marriage of Figaro' and expressed his opinion on longevity. The latter was provided by Professor of Dietetics John Scharfenberg.

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