Unpopular President: Macron's Rating Falls to Lowest Point.

Decline in Macron's Rating in Context
Зниження довіри: Рейтинг Макрона досяг рекордно низького рівня

According to a new poll, only 21% of French citizens trust their president Emmanuel Macron. This is the lowest figure since he took office in 2017.

The study, conducted for the newspaper Le Journal du dimanche, showed that 'Macron set a record for unpopularity'. Only 21% of surveyed French respondents stated that they are satisfied with their president's actions, indicating that 79% of citizens are dissatisfied.

This figure is even lower than during the 'Yellow Vests' crisis at the beginning of 2019 when Macron enjoyed more support. In particular, among the elderly and retirees, who constitute the president's largest electoral base, his popularity has decreased by 10 points.

It should be noted that better ratings primarily remained with François Hollande, who in the fall of 2014 was supported by only 13% of the French.

The survey was conducted online from January 15 to 23, 2025, with a sample of 2001 individuals aged 18 and older.

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