Invisible energy eaters: which 3 devices are better left off standby.

Power strips with standby mode
Невидимі споживачі енергії: які 3 прилади краще вимикати з режиму очікування

As the heating season has begun and energy prices are rising, more and more Ukrainians are considering ways to reduce their electricity bills.

Experts from Ukraine recommend paying attention to household appliances, as even when they are turned off, they still consume electricity. Turning off such devices completely helps not only to save money but also to protect the environment.

For example, satellite receivers continue to consume electricity even when in standby mode.

Desktop computers and laptops also need attention. The standby mode of these devices can lead to unnecessary energy expenditure. Turning off the computer when it is not in use will help save money.

The same applies to gaming consoles. They also need to be completely turned off to avoid unnecessary electricity costs.

A unified standard for charging devices was introduced in Europe earlier.

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