Novus, Ashan and Megamarket change prices for lard, eggs and bread: how much they cost at the end of January.

Novus, Ashan and Megamarket: Price for lard, eggs and bread at the end of January
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Supermarkets updated prices for lard, chicken eggs and bread in January.

According to the monitoring of prices in large retail chains, lard, bread and eggs became more expensive in January. These are important products in the diet of Ukrainians, so changes in their prices affect many consumers.

Homemade lard (1 kg) remains at the level of 234 UAH.

However, the price of lard varies in different stores - from 189 UAH at Megamarket to 279 UAH at Novus.

A pack of 10 'Kvochka' eggs has decreased in price and now costs 62.30 UAH, while 'Yasensvit' has dropped in price by 8.96 UAH.

The price for sliced white bread increases from 37.49 UAH to 38.75 UAH, and 'Tsar Khlib' has risen in price from 36.57 UAH to 40.24 UAH (by 10%).

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