Pope Francis met with a boy who survived a rocket attack in Vinnytsia.

Pope Francis met with a boy
Папа Франциск зустрівся з хлопчиком, який пережив ракетний обстріл у Вінниці.

Roman Oleksiy from Lviv, who lost his mother and survived during the rocket attack in Vinnytsia, met with Pope Francis again. This was reported by the boy's father, Yaroslav Oleksiy.

The meeting with Pope Francis turned out to be very special and invaluable for us. This Time was filled with warmth and sincerity. We could talk more and share our thoughts, as well as feel his support.

Yaroslav Oleksiy stated that Pope Francis recognized Roman even without a mask and our hugs were filled with joy.

At the end of the conversation, the Pope addressed me with words that surprised and made me think: 'Convey to Roman your resilience and strength of spirit. Your family is an example of support and true values. Thanks to this, you were able to survive everything'. These words emphasized for me how important it is to be support for one another. Family is a place where we find strength and support, without which it is impossible to navigate the difficult paths of life.

On July 14, 2022, rocket attacks occurred in the center of Vinnytsia, resulting in the deaths of 27 people. Roman and his mother, Halyna, were also injured, but Roman managed to survive. His mother died on the spot, and the boy sustained serious burns, but he was rescued. He underwent treatment both in Ukraine and in Germany.

After skin transplantation and plastic surgeries, Roman participated in ballroom dance competitions and became well-known. In December 2023, he met Pope Francis in Rome and gave him a commemorative bracelet.

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