PFU will start withdrawing money from the accounts of some pensioners: important condition.

Pensioners with financial problems
Важні зміни для пенсіонерів: почнеться процедура списання коштів з рахунків.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a related decision regarding the possibility of debiting funds from the pension accounts of internally displaced persons.

According to information from KrymSOS, under the new rules, money may be withdrawn in two cases: if there has been no movement of funds in the account for the last twelve months or if the pensioner has not passed physical identification within six months.

It is important to note that this new provision only applies to accounts opened with Oschadbank. Funds in accounts with arrests or other encumbrances will not be debited.

If funds are withdrawn from the pension accounts of displaced persons, they are advised to contact Oschadbank or the Pension Fund to undergo verification.

However, the final procedure for restoring pension payments has not yet been approved, and people may have to protect their rights in court.

Experts emphasize that such a decision is illegal, as in a legal state it is impossible to deprive a person of their property simply because they are temporarily not using it.

Referring to the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, specialists assert that a pension is a private property earned through labor. A pensioner who worked for a long Time and paid contributions cannot be deprived of their right to a pension solely due to temporary unemployment in their account.

We also remind you of the pension that working pensioners receive in Ukraine.

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