PFU will allocate additional funds: who will be lucky to receive a pension increase in 2025.

A man receives a pension increase
Управління Пенсійного фонду України планує виділити додаткові кошти: кому гарантовано підвищення пенсії у 2025 році.

A pension increase is promised to Chernobyl pensioners in 2025

In 2025, Chernobyl pensioners will be able to receive a significant increase to their pensions. The amount of additional funds will exceed 2360 thousand hryvnias. However, not all individuals affected by the Chernobyl disaster will be able to receive this increase.

According to ZN.UA, only those who are not employed or who permanently resided in the zones of unconditional and voluntary resettlement from 1986 to 1993 will have the right to receive the increase.

A special feature of the new increase is that it will only be effective during martial law. Funds for financing these additional payments have already been allocated in the state budget for 2025.

It is worth noting that social protection for Chernobyl victims is a priority task of state policy, despite the difficult economic conditions of wartime. The new increase will provide additional support for this category of citizens.

To receive the increase, Chernobyl pensioners need to meet two main criteria: have the status of a non-working pensioner or confirm the fact of permanent residence in the designated exclusion zones during the established period.

It is important to note that the social protection system for Chernobyl victims in Ukraine includes various types of assistance and benefits, and the new increase will become an additional element of support for this category of citizens.

The process of applying for the pension increase will be carried out in accordance with current legislation through the bodies of the Pension Fund of Ukraine. Payments will be made together with the main pension.

Previously, the Pension Fund accumulated significant arrears regarding pensions for Chernobyl victims.

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