The Eighth Continent Found Under the Pacific Ocean: Scientists Unveil New Sensational Details.

Photo of the eighth continent found under the Pacific Ocean
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Scientists Discover the Continent of Zealandia Under the Waters of the Pacific Ocean

A group of scientists managed to map the underwater territory of Zealandia, which covers nearly two million square miles. The results of the study are published in the scientific journal GSA.

Geologists used rock samples from marine DNA to analyze the geology of Northern Zealandia. They documented the process of studying the chemical composition of rocks from the Farvater Ridge to the Coral Sea.

Zealandia is an entire continent with an area of 4,900 thousand square kilometers, but only 6% of it is land. Scientists believe that Zealandia is a remnant of the ancient continent Gondwana, which began to break apart millions of years ago.

Thanks to bathymetric maps from satellites, scientists were able to detect and visualize Zealandia. If the height of the Earth's surface were represented on maps, as it is done for Mars and Venus, Zealandia would undoubtedly be recognized as a continent.

The loss of ice in Antarctica may lead to rising sea levels on Earth. This process, known as post-glacial land uplift, could have significant impacts in the future.

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