American entrepreneurs can repair military vehicles in Ukraine - Expert.

American contractors for the repair of military vehicles in Ukraine
American contractors for the repair of military vehicles in Ukraine

The problem of a lack of specialists for the repair of western technology in Ukraine

Ukraine lacks qualified specialists for the repair of western technology. The Pentagon has now allowed the repair of American weapons in our country. National security expert Viktor Yagun noted that it is more cost-effective to pay American contractors for repairs rather than investing in training Ukrainian specialists.

Yagun said that Ukrainian specialists will have the opportunity to learn alongside American engineers and technicians. They can undergo training in Ukraine and prepare for the replacement of American contractors at airfields in Ukraine. In addition, rapid communication with manufacturers and the ordering of necessary parts is ensured.

Difficulties with the arrival of American contractors in Ukraine

Previously, the arrival of American contractors in Ukraine was hindered by security issues and political obstacles. Yagun noted that it is advantageous to do business with manufacturers who can quickly order the necessary components for repairs.

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