Over 700 thousand new debts have appeared among Ukrainians: what are they mainly guilty of.

Chart showing the growth in the number of debtors in Ukraine
Більше 700 тисяч нових боргів виникло у українців: основні причини нещасливих ситуацій.

Growth in the number of debtors

In 2024, 712,453 new records were added to the Unified Register of Debtors (URD). The main categories of debts became fines for traffic violations (TV), fines for administrative offenses, and debts to the state budget. This was reported by Opendatabot.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the number of records in the register has increased by almost 2 million, reaching a total of 8.8 million.

Debt structure

The largest share of debts consists of fines for TV violations – 1.8 million (21%). In second place are fines for administrative offenses – 1.7 million (20%), and debts to the state budget amount to 1.6 million (18.5%).

At the same Time, debts for utilities account for 727 thousand records (8%). The remaining debts (21%) belong to other categories that are difficult to classify clearly.

In addition, the number of property seizures based on enforcement documents increased by 24% and reached 15.6 thousand. Seizures in criminal cases, except for corruption cases, increased by almost 17% and amount to 11.8 thousand.

Kyiv residents and their debts

As reported, Kyiv residents owe 4.3 billion UAH for heating, and 2.7 billion UAH for hot water. This is despite the fact that the vast majority of citizens pay for utilities on time. 70% of the debt is attributed to about 15% of all consumers.

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