Fires on Transformers: Experts Explained How to Safely Turn On Electrical Devices.

Several incidents of transformer fires have occurred in residential complexes in Kyiv due to the mass activation of energy-intensive devices after the restoration of power supply during rolling blackouts. Experts say that the problem is associated with the lack of modernization of Kyiv's transformers over the past 30 years. In addition, the number of subscribers per transformer exceeds the norm by 3-4 times.
Oleh Popenko: "Most of Kyiv's transformers are over 30 years old. During this Time, they have not been changed or modernized, so they have become outdated and cannot withstand modern loads. The number of subscribers per transformer exceeds the norm by 3-4 times".
Oleksandr Telyatnikov from NetAssist company stated that one of the reasons for the problem is the large number of energy-intensive devices such as boilers, air conditioners, and charging stations in households. When these devices are turned on simultaneously upon power restoration, they start consuming excessive energy, which overloads the transformers.
Oleksandr Telyatnikov: "When the power is turned on and a large number of people plug in all this equipment simultaneously, it starts consuming excessive energy. As a result, the transformer cannot withstand the overvoltage".
Telyatnikov offers several recommendations to prevent such situations, such as installing delay-switch voltage relays, setting different activation times for devices, and proper setup of charging stations. Additionally, he also mentions the possibility of switching to alternative energy sources, particularly solar panels.
Oleksandr Telyatnikov: "Consider the possibility of switching to alternative energy sources. Telyatnikov mentions solar panels".
However, Oleh Popenko mentioned in an interview that installing solar panels on a balcony or building facade is not a realistic option due to the possibility of them being blown off by strong winds and disruption of urban aesthetics.
Let us remind that new rules for the import of generators, charging stations, solar panels, and REB have been introduced in Ukraine.
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