Law enforcement warns pensioners about a new scam scheme.

Pensioner signing documents of dangerous content
Правоохоронці попереджають літніх людей про нову шахрайську аферу.
Malefactors spread false information about new rules for pension payments.

Scammers impersonate representatives of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and offer to fill out an 'official form' on controlled websites.

The Pension Fund of Ukraine reports: 'Such messages are fake! They have no relation to the activities of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and are created solely to mislead citizens.'

Scammers post ads with loud headlines and links to a counterfeit site that resembles the official resource. Fraudsters demand pensioners to immediately fill out the form using social engineering.

As a result, citizens, unaware of the fraud, enter their personal and banking data on fake sites, which immediately become available to malefactors and can be used in criminal schemes.

How not to become a victim of scammers?

  • Trust only official sources - all changes regarding pension payments are published primarily on the website of the Pension Fund of Ukraine.
  • Check links - official websites of government institutions always have the domain.
  • Do not click on suspicious links - even if they were sent by acquaintances, as their accounts may have been hacked.
  • Do not disclose personal information - the Fund does not ask for confidential data through forms in messengers.
  • Warn relatives and loved ones - scammers often target elderly people, so it is essential to timely warn them about the possible threat.

Be cautious and do not let malefactors take advantage of your trust.

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