The President of Finland assessed whether the US will leave NATO due to Trump.

The President of Finland assesses the US and NATO due to Trump
Фінський Президент висловив думку щодо можливого виходу США з НАТО в умовах керівництва Трампа.

The President of Finland, Alexander Stubb, explained why US President Donald Trump will not leave the United States NATO.

As reported by 'Hvylya', he said this in an interview with the German magazine Spiegel.

According to Stubb, the US will not leave NATO despite Trump's threats.

'In no other alliance can the US secure its security and interests in Europe so reliably and effectively. Believe me, this strategy works for the US, regardless of the contributions of other NATO member countries,' Stubb said.

He also emphasized that he believes in a positive development of the situation and that in four years the Alliance will be even stronger. He did not rule out that Ukraine could also become a member of NATO by then.

'You never know for sure,' noted the President of Finland.

Recall that Ukraine assessed Trump's 'strong' address to Putin.

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