Relatives of the missing have received the right to deferment from mobilization.

Image of a group of relatives of the missing persons
Родичі зниклих без вісті отримали можливість відстрочити мобілізацію

The Ministry of Internal Affairs reports that relatives of the missing now have the opportunity to receive a deferment from mobilization. The government has adopted a corresponding decree that resolves the legal conflict at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Previously, obtaining a deferment required a court decision declaring the person missing. However, the law does not provide for such a court decision.

Instead, relatives need to obtain an extract from the Unified Register of Missing Persons.

To obtain the extract, a request must be submitted to the Department for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances (Secretariat of the Commissioner for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances):

  • a request for an extract (the request is submitted in free form with mandatory indication of the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth of the person regarding whom the request is made; degree of kinship with the person; postal or email address to which the extract should be sent);
  • a copy of the identity document;
  • copies of documents confirming the family ties with the person regarding whom the request is made.

Requests for extracts from the Unified Register of Persons Missing under Personal Circumstances can be submitted by:

  • persons who were considered missing under special circumstances, the whereabouts of whom have been established;
  • relatives of persons missing under special circumstances, namely, close relatives and family members.

Extracts are provided within a period of up to 10 working days. In cases where the preparation of the extract requires additional verification of information, requests are considered within 30 calendar days.

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