Different marinades and tastes: how to distinguish maatjes from herring.

Photo of different marinades and flavors
Photo of different marinades and flavors

Every Ukrainian has bought herring at least once in their life.

But alongside with ordinary herring, they might buy Hollandse nieuwe or Hollandse maatjes herring, known in Ukraine as Matias herring. But few people have wondered how they differ, writes tsn.

How Matias differs from herring

Matias is usually made from Norwegian herring, which is considered one of the tastiest in the world. The prepared matias is a traditional and very popular dish in many European countries, particularly in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and France.

The name "Matias" itself comes from the Dutch word "maagde," which translates to "virgin." This is because Matias herring is a young fish that has not yet reached maturity. Because of this, it has a relatively high fat content of more than 16%, and its roe and milt have not yet formed. The meat of such a fish is tender and soft, and it marinates excellently.

Matias is caught during a certain period of the year from the end of May to mid-July.

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The main difference is that Matias is marinated in a special way. A special brine, to which many different spices but little salt are added, ensures the preservation of the fish's delicate flavor. The brine should be weak so that the herring meat remains tender and juicy. Such a herring literally melts in the mouth, and the low salt content added during preparation gives the product a particularly delicate taste. The marinade for herring can contain vinegar, oil, or mustard.

During the preparation, all bones are removed from Matias, making this fish a desirable dish on the table.

Matias herring is a valuable source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. The fish meat contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which positively affect the health of the heart, brain, and other organs, and vitamin D, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

Herring can be eaten in various ways — plain with onions and oil, made into separate snacks, or used to prepare "shuba" or incredible forshmak.

However, it sometimes takes a lot of Time and effort to remove all the bones before cooking. Experienced housewives know that the fish can be processed in just a few minutes if they use a clever trick. All bones will come off with the backbone, and only the herring fillet will remain.

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