De-mining of agricultural lands: a new stage of state compensation has begun.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy has initiated compensation for the de-mining of agricultural lands
Процес очищення сільськогосподарських територій: розпочато новий етап державної компенсації за шкоду.

Farmers have the opportunity to submit applications for the de-mining of agricultural lands as part of the compensation program

Farmers can now submit applications for the de-mining of agricultural lands within the framework of the state compensation program. One billion hryvnias has been allocated in the state budget for this purpose.

Applications can be submitted through the State Agricultural Register, the Ministry of Economy reported.

'We just opened the application submission this year and immediately received the first farmer who applied to participate in the program. This is a farm from Bereznehuvate in Mykolaiv region, which was actively shelled by the Russians. When we launched the program in the ministry, we were counting on this: that farmers would see how the mechanism works and will seek opportunities to apply themselves',
said Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Ihor Bezkaravainy.

The farm that first applied to participate in the program this Time aims to clear 15 plots in the Mykolaiv region with a total area of 90.8 hectares.

'In four months last year, the Humanitarian Demining Center processed applications from 195 farmers for the de-mining of agricultural land plots. Agreements have been signed with 47 applicants for the de-mining of more than 9,500 hectares, and there is already the first plot with an area of almost 500 hectares cleared under the program. We expect to significantly increase the number of lands cleared by private operators this year',
said Director of the Humanitarian Demining Center Volodymyr Baida.

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