Investigation: Belarusian enterprises are mass-producing ammunition for the Russian Federation.

Ammunition production in Belarus for the Russian Federation
Відомості свідчать про те, що білоруські заводи активно виготовляють бойові боєприпаси для потреб російської армії.

Belarusian state enterprises are actively involved in the production of shells for the Russian army. In particular, the Belarusian Automobile Plant, the Belarusian Metallurgical Plant, and the Borisov Plant of Tractor Electrical Equipment are taking an active part in the production of shells of calibers 122 and 152 mm, reports BelPol, an association of former security forces.

According to BelPol's data, the Belarusian Automobile Plant is conducting galvanic coating of metal sleeves for rocket shells and manufacturing pipe blanks for missiles together with the 'BAZtub' plant.

Investigators also note that the Borisov Plant of Tractor Electrical Equipment is engaged in galvanic processing of components for rocket shells. According to BelPol, the plant received orders for such processing for 4 elements of missiles at 13 thousand pieces each.

In total, investigators identified 15 enterprises that have connections with the aforementioned factories, including a new project associated with the Molodechno Powder Metallurgy Plant.

The shells produced by the enterprises are used, in particular, in Russian Grad multiple launch rocket systems, which are used to shell Ukraine.

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