It became known how many officials serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Officials in the Armed Forces of Ukraine - statistics and analysis
Officials in the Armed Forces of Ukraine - statistics and analysis

4316 civil servants serve in the territorial defense forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and in voluntary formations of territorial communities

According to the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, it is known that among civil servants there are 782 women serving in the territorial defense forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and in voluntary formations of territorial communities.

This number accounts for 9% of men and less than 1% of women among the total number of civil servants. Of these, 1757 individuals are war veterans.

Thus, about 13% of male civil servants have had or currently have experience using weapons to defend Ukraine, which is one of the highest rates among all social groups of the population.

In order to assist veterans, the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service, in cooperation with the Ministry of Veterans, launched an E-job board for veterans, which is a digital service on the e-Veteran platform.

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