Statistics showed how many Ukrainians are studying and have found work in Germany.

Ukrainians in Germany: education and work
Дослідження продемонструвало кількість українців, які отримали освіту та знайшли роботу в Німеччині.

According to the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Germany, Ukrainians make up a smaller proportion of employed refugees in Germany compared to citizens of Syria, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

As of the beginning of September 2024, there were 1.163 million Ukrainians living in Germany. Of these, 221 thousand people (19%) were registered in the labor market, undergoing training, or had self-employed status. This number approximately corresponds to the figure for citizens of Turkey, Syria, and Afghanistan.

It is expected that the share of employed Ukrainians in Germany will significantly increase in the next year, as the number of those who have found employment for the first Time has risen. In 2023, an average of 4.76 thousand Ukrainians started working each month, and from January to August 2024, this figure rose to 7.13 thousand people, which is an increase of 50%.

The most active participants in integration courses in Germany now are refugees from Ukraine who are improving their German language skills to level B1 (the ability to understand information on familiar topics and communicate in most everyday situations). In 2023, Ukrainians accounted for 46.2% of the total number of applications for language courses, while in 2022, it was 59.1%.

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